Wednesday 14 November 2012

first blog brain fart

I suppose the question everyone asks themselves when starting a blog is "What the f**k will I write?" so I'm asking myself that very question.
My facebook posts are apparently quite amusing, and I had no idea that some of the stuff that comes into my brain had entertainment value for others until I was carrying out a clearout of my facebook pals.  A few of em took time to say "Don't delete me!", and a few others were confident that I wanted to keep them as friends.  
To give you a bit of background, I'm a 40 year old mum of one, and I'm a shop assistant by day, international superstar by night.  Erm maybe not.  

Joanie sings Adele.
I'm a singer around the pubs and clubs of Scotland.  It's a good job. 
You know when you stand singing into your hairbrush like a total idiot, dancing about like a loony? I get paid for doing that in public (although maybe not in my dressing gown with a towel wrapped round my head). Sometimes it's all "This way, madam".  Most of the time it's "There's the toilet, get changed and set up there" (pointing at a stage the size of a postage stamp, or alternatively the oche).
On my website at I do a wee review of the venues and gigs I do, and there's also a wee section to have a moan.  
This blog might just replace my moany section.  or expand on it.
like most things I do, I have no particular plan for this blog.  I just intend to start it, and fill a blog in now and then when I remember.  

I find that's when things become more interesting.....

so let's see how it goes....

